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Get event and ticket information

The following endpoints allow you to:

  • get the list of the events of an organizer
  • get the details of an event definition in all languages
  • get the list of ticket types of an event
  • get the details of each ticket type including all language versions


Get Events - "/Events" (Get)

Parameters  – query string
string filterText, int? organizerId = null, int? salesRegionId = null, int? tenantId = null, DateTime? fromDate = null, DateTime? toDate = null, [Range(1, 100)] int numberToTake = 10, [Range(0, int.MaxValue)] int numberToSkip = 0, bool isOrderByDescending = false, bool isOrderByIdDescending = false


Get Event By Id - "/Event/{eventId}" (Get)

Parameters –
[FromRoute] int eventide


Get Event Infos By Event Id   - "/Event/{eventId}/Infos" (Get)

Parameters –
[FromRoute] int eventide


Get TicketTypes By Event Id - "/Event/{eventId}/TicketTypes" (Get)

Parameters –
[FromRoute] int eventide


Get TicketType Infos By TicketType Id - "/TicketType/{ticketTypeId}/Infos" (Get)

Parameters –
[FromRoute] int ticketTypeId



All the displayed information has been put together by the Developmentteam. This page is here to help 3rd party users to impement our system correctly.