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Payload of a Webhook

The payload of a webhook is a simple JSON file. Within the JSON file you can access all the given attributes which contain the information that are being handed over from us over to you. The JSON file should be readable for any service that supports JSON-files. To give you an idea what kind of attributes can be found within the payload, we are displaying all the attributes which can be found inside the test data for specific actions down below. Certain attributes may only appear on specific triggers, as they may not exist within the payload. 


This is the resulting payload for the OrderCreated & OrderCancelled webhook actions:


This is the resulting payload for EventAdded, EventUpdated, EventPublished & EventUnpublished webhook actions:


This is the resulting payload for TicketTypeAdded & TicketTypeUpdated webhook actions:


This is the resulting payload for EntryScanned webhook action:

All the displayed information has been put together by the Developmentteam. This page is here to help 3rd party users to impement our system correctly.